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Privacy Policy and User Agreement

At geoPlugin, we respect your privacy.

We have not and will not share any data, including email and IP addresses you provide us whether it is on or

GEOPLUGIN® is a French-registered company, with servers in France and Holland and so we are bound by European law to respect the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Here, we describe our Privacy Policy, which serves as a binding service agreement contract between us (GEOPLUGIN, SAS) and you (our users that use geoPlugin's services).

If you use any of geoPlugin's services, you are bound by the rules of GDPR, particularly relating to your use of

Under the definitions of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

  • is a Data Controller
  • is a Data Processor

Using, we collect and store user-identifiable data that you provide to us.
The only user-identifiable data that is permanently stored is :

data you provide upon signup

  • your name
  • your chosen username
  • your email address
  • your password in encrypted and hashed form
  • Your IP-geolocalised country (so we can better understand our customer-base)
  • A unique ID linked to your account

upon payments for Premium or a SSL key

  • the IP address or domain name you are whitelisting (for Premium subscriptions)
  • Your unique ID, assigned upon signing up (see above)
  • addresses linked to invoices
  • payment history
  • All data provided by the payment processor in the post back to us confirming payment

the web sites you register with us

Upon request, you may at any time see the personal data we store on you and request deletion or modification of any or all personal data. If you request deletion of this information and you have made payments to, we will anonymise these data to remove all personally identifiable information.

Upon signing up at, you agree to our control of storing your personal data as defined above.

Use of most of's web services involves GEOPLUGIN processing an IP address, as provided by you or your users.

IPs are classed as user-identifiable information in the EU.

Thus, with the exception of abuse of geoplugin web services, we do not store for longer than 1 minute any user-identifiable information, including requesting IPs, URLs, and requested strings.

Unless requested by a court of law under appropriate jurisdiction, at the onset of each minute, these data are then permanently erased.

If the IP requesting use of services provided by abuses the webservice as described in our Acceptable Use Policy, the requesting IP will be stored to protect the integrity of our services for as long as that IP continues to abuse the service. Upon ceasing to abuse the service, this IP will then be deleted after 1 hour.
However, for extreme abuse (outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy), the requesting IP will be stored indefinitely on our firewall to protect the integrity of our services.

By using any of the web services, you agree to our processing of user-identifiable data that you supply to us, as defined above.

You also agree that you have notified your users of, and obtained all such explicit consent to, all of the intended uses of such Personal Data by you in connection with your use of the geoPlugin's services, as stated in this current Privacy Policy.


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©2006 - 2025 geoPlugin® is a registered trademark of GEOPLUGIN, SAS