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Acceptable Use Policy

geoPlugin's IP geolocation web service APIs are a free webmaster resource for IP geolocation and reverse IP geocoding of web programs.

You may use these services for free within the realms of 'normal use'.
Normal Use is defined based on lookups arising from normal internet activity arising from real people visiting your pages.

If your site has a raw daily visit rate superior than 100,000 visitors per day and you wish to use geoPlugin, you must contact us prior to flooding the service with requests. Failure to do so will result in your lookups being classed as spam/flooding the service and will not be tolerated.

Important notice regarding use of any web service.

Greater than 120 API requests per minute will get you blacklisted for 1 hour, during which time you will receive a "429 Too Many Requests" response.

More than 1500 requests per minute will get you blocked permanently at the firewall meaning the server will not reply at all. If your IP is blocked by the firewall, a premium subscription is required to remove the block. In this case, you need to contact us once you've subscribed with your IP so we can manually remove the firewall block. Note, if you are blocked on the firewall, the IP will not show in the online blacklist check, but you will know because requests to will time out.

Under normal use, your server activity will not activate these anti-spam filters if you have less than 120 visitors a minute. This roughly equates to 170,000 daily visitors. Blacklisting checks are automatically performed each minute. Please note search engine spiders visiting your site may increase your lookups and take you over this limit. Please see our frequently asked questions on how to avoid this.

For users of the javascript webservice that bypass IP identification due to the client-server nature of the lookup, if you spam or flood our service as described above we reserve the right to change the output of the javascript, which may include taking control of the end-user's navigator screen, in a manner we see fit to offset our costs, or refuse service completely, at our discretion. Users of this javascript service to geotarget advert-networks are particularly invited to contact us, since ad-network distribution put large stress on the servers due to the shear volume of hits they receive.

If you think you are going to be performing more than this number of queries, please consider Server Whitelisting that will remove these lookup checks up to a soft limit of 2 million daily lookups (soft limit meaning it is not automatically enforced - we will email you if you are consistently going over this limit). Bursts of greater than 10,000 lookups per minute put undue stress on our service and so if you require this as a premium user, you need to contact us in advance explaining your requirements.

The geoPlugin webservices are for your own use. You may not under any circumstances 'resell' the data obtained, whether by offering a similar service (free or commercial), by passing lookups performed by your server to geoPlugin onto third parties, or by saving the data obtained from lookups for greater than 24 hours. Incorporation of geoPlugin's services into a commercial package requires prior authorisation from geoPlugin, whereby costs may be incurred. Incorporation of geoPlugin into non-commercial packages is permitted although you should let us know prior to product release.

Since use of the geoPlugin service requires no signup procedure, simple use of any of the geoPlugin web services implies your agreement to this Acceptable Use Policy as well as our Privacy Policy

While we have extremely few outages (>99.9% uptime), geoPlugin does not guarantee in any way service uptime. You should add catchable code to prevent your site from going offline should be offline.

geoPlugin uses the GeoLite2 database from MaxMind.
Use of geoPlugin services making use of this geolocation data is under condition of acceptance of the GeoLite2 end-user license agreement, which incorporates components of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The attribution requirement must be met by including the following in all advertising, documentation or use of these data by mentioning features of or use of this database:

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from
  <a href=""></a>.

If you do not accept to attribute Maxmind's data, you must purchase Maxmind's GeoLite2 Redistribution License prior to use of geoPlugin.
If you are in breach of the GeoLite2 EULA and do not hold a GeoLite2 Redistribution License, you will be banned indefinitely from use of our services.


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