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PHP Geolocation Web Service

The PHP Geolocation web service API 1) allows you to directly program your back-end PHP scripts to deliver dynamic geo-localized pages using the PHP array provided by geoPlugin.
To access this service, add the following url to a remote include call

Of course, substitute the xx's with your visitor's IP number.

As an example, the following PHP snippet

  echo var_export(unserialize(file_get_contents(''.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])));

Will output:

array (
  'geoplugin_request' => '',
  'geoplugin_status' => 200,
  'geoplugin_delay' => '1ms',
  'geoplugin_credit' => 'Some of the returned data includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from',
  'geoplugin_city' => 'Columbus',
  'geoplugin_region' => 'Ohio',
  'geoplugin_regionCode' => 'OH',
  'geoplugin_regionName' => 'Ohio',
  'geoplugin_areaCode' => '',
  'geoplugin_dmaCode' => '535',
  'geoplugin_countryCode' => 'US',
  'geoplugin_countryName' => 'United States',
  'geoplugin_inEU' => 0,
  'geoplugin_euVATrate' => false,
  'geoplugin_continentCode' => 'NA',
  'geoplugin_continentName' => 'North America',
  'geoplugin_latitude' => '39.9625',
  'geoplugin_longitude' => '-83.0061',
  'geoplugin_locationAccuracyRadius' => '1000',
  'geoplugin_timezone' => 'America/New_York',
  'geoplugin_currencyCode' => 'USD',
  'geoplugin_currencySymbol' => '$',
  'geoplugin_currencySymbol_UTF8' => '$',
  'geoplugin_currencyConverter' => '0',

PHP Geolocation Class

You can download the geoPlugin class to simplify using the PHP Web service.

View Class Source

A detailed example of how to use the class (with comments) is included in the class package.
An abbreviated version of the example is shown below

$geoplugin = new geoPlugin();
// If we wanted to change the base currency, we would uncomment the following line
// $geoplugin->currency = 'EUR';
echo "Geolocation results for {$geoplugin->ip}: <br />\n".
	"City: {$geoplugin->city} <br />\n".
	"Region: {$geoplugin->region} <br />\n".
	"Region Code: {$geoplugin->regionCode} <br />\n".
	"Region Name: {$geoplugin->regionName} <br />\n".
	"DMA Code: {$geoplugin->dmaCode} <br />\n".
	"Country Name: {$geoplugin->countryName} <br />\n".
	"Country Code: {$geoplugin->countryCode} <br />\n".
	"In the EU?: {$geoplugin->inEU} <br />\n".
	"EU VAT Rate: {$geoplugin->euVATrate} <br />\n".
	"Latitude: {$geoplugin->latitude} <br />\n".
	"Longitude: {$geoplugin->longitude} <br />\n".
	"Radius of Accuracy (Miles): {$geoplugin->locationAccuracyRadius} <br />\n".
	"Timezone: {$geoplugin->timezone}  <br />\n".
	"Currency Code: {$geoplugin->currencyCode} <br />\n".
	"Currency Symbol: {$geoplugin->currencySymbol} <br />\n".
	"Exchange Rate: {$geoplugin->currencyConverter} <br />\n";
if ( $geoplugin->currency != $geoplugin->currencyCode ) {
	//our visitor is not using the same currency as the base currency
	echo "<p>At todays rate, US$100 will cost you " . $geoplugin->convert(100) ." </p>\n";
/* find places nearby */
$nearby = $geoplugin->nearby();
if ( isset($nearby[0]['geoplugin_place']) ) {
	echo "<pre><p>Some places you may wish to visit near " . $geoplugin->city . ": </p>\n";
	foreach ( $nearby as $key => $array ) {
		echo ($key + 1) .":<br />";
		echo "\t Place: " . $array['geoplugin_place'] . "<br />";
		echo "\t Country Code: " . $array['geoplugin_countryCode'] . "<br />";
		echo "\t Region: " . $array['geoplugin_region'] . "<br />";
		echo "\t County: " . $array['geoplugin_county'] . "<br />";
		echo "\t Latitude: " . $array['geoplugin_latitude'] . "<br />";
		echo "\t Longitude: " . $array['geoplugin_longitude'] . "<br />";
		echo "\t Distance (miles): " . $array['geoplugin_distanceMiles'] . "<br />";
		echo "\t Distance (km): " . $array['geoplugin_distanceKilometers'] . "<br />";
	echo "</pre>\n";

This will output:

Geolocation results for 
City: Columbus
Region: Ohio
Region Code: OH
Region Name: Ohio
DMA Code: 535
Country Name: United States
Country Code: US
In the EU?: 0
EU VAT Rate:
Latitude: 39.9625
Longitude: -83.0061
Radius of Accuracy (Miles): 1000
Timezone: America/New_York
Currency Code: USD
Currency Symbol: $
Exchange Rate: 0

Some places you may wish to visit near Columbus:

Place: Columbus
Country Code: US
Region: Ohio
Latitude: 39.9611800
Longitude: -82.9987900
Distance (miles): 0.4
Distance (km): 0.64
Place: Bexley
Country Code: US
Region: Ohio
Latitude: 39.9689500
Longitude: -82.9376800
Distance (miles): 3.65
Distance (km): 5.87
Place: Upper Arlington
Country Code: US
Region: Ohio
Latitude: 39.9945100
Longitude: -83.0624100
Distance (miles): 3.71
Distance (km): 5.97
Place: Whitehall
Country Code: US
Region: Ohio
Latitude: 39.9667300
Longitude: -82.8854600
Distance (miles): 6.39
Distance (km): 10.29
Place: Grove City
Country Code: US
Region: Ohio
Latitude: 39.8814500
Longitude: -83.0929600
Distance (miles): 7.25
Distance (km): 11.67

PHP Geolocation Currency Converter

The “geoplugin_currencyConverter” array key is the conversion rate for the currency converter base currency.
Like all calls to any of geoPlugin's web services, the default base_currency is USD ($US).
Thus, if your base currency is NOT $US, then you must add the variable base_currency=XXX to the call to

Now geoplugin_currencyConverter will output the exchange rate of one Euro for your visitor.

The base_currency value must be a valid ISO 4217 3-letter code.

An example for using the currency converter in PHP is given below.

function cc($amount) {
	global $geoPlugin_array;
	if ( isset($geoPlugin_array['geoplugin_currencyCode']) && $geoPlugin_array['geoplugin_currencyCode'] != 'USD' ) { 
		return '(' . $geoPlugin_array['geoplugin_currencySymbol'] . round( ($amount * $geoPlugin_array['geoplugin_currencyConverter']),2) . ')';
	return false;
$geoPlugin_array = unserialize( file_get_contents('' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) );
echo '<h3>Product A costs $800 ' . cc(800) . '</h3>';

Product A costs US$800

See also

1) This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from

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